Sweatshop on strike, our first ever collab and a pesky pigeon!

Sasha Gupta |

Ok, so it’s not so much a strike as Mum and Auntie going on a planned holiday. But still, who signed them off going away in DECEMBER in the middle of our busiest Christmas of all time!!!To be fair, it’s gone quite well, we’ve got into a rhythm and Nani has genuinely been incredible. I’ve become a mug pressing machine and have yet to print a single one upside down! Although my brother did point out that the kitchen now resembles a crack den as it's basically 80% boxes and 20% stray packing peanuts.

It feels like each week is getting more and more mental in the most exciting way! This week we launched our first ever collab with one of my favourite online faces, Aileen from @Tindertranslators. I’ve been following her for years and think she’s hilarious. So, when she messaged to ask if we could help her launch her first ever mugs and sweatshirts I lost my bloody mind!!! Naturally, I took full force of the opportunity and plastered her face all over our website. Only thought to check if that was ok after I’d gone and done it 😂🙈 (thankfully she was here for it!).

In other news, we paused our beef with Space Bacon, as we realised we were about to overtake a certain basic pigeon in followers! I declared this publicly and tagged them only to discover they immediately launched a giveaway (a.k.a. a bribe) and managed to gain another 1k overnight. I’d do the same if I hadn’t already tested grandad’s patience with all the offers on our email list this month. If you’re new here, I send him a sales report each month and hope for the best. No comment is usually a good sign!  

On a personal note, I went out last night for my friend’s sister’s 30th as I feel like I haven’t been out in a while. But I figured I’d go have a couple of drinks and come home in one piece. Naturally, I thought I’d nailed it, I had the best time, hadn’t offended anyone and was relatively sober. Only to get out of my taxi and vomit all over the drive as he drove off. I've spent the entire day feeling like moderate death. Safe to say, I cannot be trusted under any circumstances but I like to think me and my fellow CEO pals have this in common. You know me, Elon and Bezoz just out here being a shambles!

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